
Our prompt database

Search our extensive ChatGPT Prompt Database and find the best prompt for you in our databse of thousands of prompts. Bet inspired by our examples and create your own prompts or learn how to let ChatGPT write the prompt for you.



Prompts about schools, testing, teaching methodologies, competency-based education and more

Bedtime Story with AI


Prompts about how to cook stuff, how to find the best whine and how to plan and make a complete dinner.

Analysis with AI

Financial Services

ChatGPT prompts for financial services. Improve your knowledge of complex products and be advised on finacial decissons.

Financial Services
Classroom with ChatGPT


Understand how to improve teaching and the dynamics between teachers and students with these Chatgpt prompsο»Ώ

Promps for analytics


The best prompts to use ChatGPT for analytics, data mining and data modeling. Master statistics like a pro!

ChatGPT prompts for Web Content Development

Web Content

Web Content Developent can benefit a lot from ChatGPT. Not only to develop content, but also to help with your content strategy and choises.

Web Content
E-Commerce prompts


Find the best prompts to improve your E-commerce site. Decide on how to setup a return policy, how to do A/B testing, how to prompte your online store and more.

Customer Service Prompts

Customer Service

Prompts to improve your NPS. Recruit better staff. Start upselling programs. Learn how to handle reviews or implement chatbots. Everything for people who work in Customer Service

Customer Service
Travel planning prompts

Travel Planning

The best prompts for Travel Planning. Hoe can you plan a trip? Where to find hidden gems? How should you book your accomodation?

Travel Planning
Healt and Fitness prompts

Health and Fitness

The best prompts for Health and Fitness. Create your training schedule. Find the right nutricion for you. Improve your mental health.

Health and Fitness
Personal Growth

Personal Development

The best prompts for Personal Development. Hoe can you create a personal developement plan? What is the right training for you? Hoe can you grow in your job?

Personal Developement
Environment and Sustainability

Environment and Sustainability

The best prompts for Environment and Sustainability. Learn to understand how the environment is impact and what you can do in your day to day life

Environment and Sustainability


The best prompts for Technology. How can tech improve your life? What are the downsides of technology? How does it impact relationships?



The best prompts for parents. Find parenting tips and techniques. Learn how to handle conflicts and how to respond to your children when they challenge you. 

Home improvement prompts

Home Improvement

The best prompts for Home Improvement. Find help in inproving your home in an eco-friendly way. Learn how to improve the insulation and how to do things yourself

Home Improvement
Prompts about Career Development

Career Development

The best prompts for Career Development. Learn how to handle your workload, how to have a good work - life balance and how to grow in your job

Career Development
Prompts for Gaming


The best prompts for Gaming. Learn about gaming, the impact of gaming but let ChatGPT help you with your game strategy as well

Film wit ChatGPT

Movies and Entertainment

The best prompts for Movies and Entertainment. Understand how movies are made, what their impact is. But also how to understand difficult franchises like Star Trek, Marvel or DC.

Movies and Entertainment
Music prompts


The best prompts for Music. Learn all about music how it's made and what the impact. Learn to play music, write songs and create a plan to produce and promote music



The best prompts for Relationships. Relationships are difficult. Everyone has questions about relationships. ChatGPT can help you to understand and act.



The best prompts for Fashion. Learn about the fashion industry, how your clothes are designed and made. But learn to use ChatGPT to help you create a nice wardrobe and create a personal style as well.



The best prompts for Sports. Understand sports, the personal impact and the impact on the society. Help to get sports explained that you don't understand

Art and Design

Art and Design

The best prompts for Art and Design. Prompts to understand the role of art and the relationship between you, art, culture and innovation. But also: an art-coach for creative ideas

Art and Design


The best prompts for Politics. How ChatGPT can help you understand the political system or even become political active in your community

Art and Design

Legal Advice

Let ChatGPT help and advice you with your legal work. Write letters, understand your situation and learn the legal language.

Legal Advice
Act As

Act As

Learn how to use "act as"in ChatGPT. Let ChatGPT be an expert, a teacher, an austronaut or whatever you want and create the reight perspective for your text.

Act As


Dive into the world of innovation with ChatGPT. Explore our comprehensive guide of innovation prompts designed to help you understand complex concepts, improve your strategies, and enhance your creative endeavors.

ChatGPT for video


Discover the transformative role of ChatGPT in video production. This comprehensive guide delves into practical applications, showcasing tools and techniques that integrate AI into traditional video-making processes, complete with real-world examples, step-by-step guides, and expert insights.


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AI, particularly ChatGPT, in the Paris 2024 Olympics.
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Using ChatGPT and Suno to Create Music and Publish on Spotify
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Use ChatGPT and Suno AI to create music effortlessly and publish it on Spotify. Learn how to generate ideas, refine your compositions, and share your music using tools like DistroKid. Follow our guide and unleash your inner musician with the help of AI.
ChatGPT 4o
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Microsoft Copilot
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This guide delves into Microsoft Copilot, an innovative feature integrated into Microsoft 365, enhancing productivity and creativity. Explore how Copilot, using Large Language Models and Microsoft Graph, transforms tasks in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams, elevating efficiency and redefining the modern workspace. The article compares Copilot with ChatGPT, discussing their unique strengths and applications.
Prepare your jobinterview with ChatGPT
By Editorial Team 29 Mar, 2024
Leverage the power of ChatGPT for comprehensive interview preparation. From researching the company to practicing responses and simulating interviews, this guide offers strategies and insights to help you navigate the interview landscape confidently. Enhance your preparation and increase your chances of landing the job with these AI-assisted techniques.
Write a cover letter with help of ChatGPT
By Editorial Team 27 Mar, 2024
Transform your job application process with a personalized cover letter crafted using ChatGPT. From creating a versatile template to adapting it with your unique style for each job application, discover how to make your cover letter a compelling representation of your professional journey and personality.
Write your resume with help from ChatGPT
By Editorial Team 27 Mar, 2024
Maximize your job application success with a tailored resume. ChatGPT offers a unique opportunity to create a dynamic and personalized resume for each job application. From crafting a basic template to aligning it with specific job requirements, learn how to make your resume stand out in the crowd.
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